English Texts

Hey Guys, these are some English Writings that I have made in college. Hope you can use it as source to learn ^^



Nowadays, technologies are developed really well all around the world. It makes our live becoming more simple and comfortable. One of the technological products is E-Book.             E-Book stands for Electronic Book, which means that E-Book is a book in a digital form and not in printed forms. E-Book become the alternative way in reading any kinds of books, and it can be saved in a digital file form in an electronic device. But, beside the good things from E-Book, there are some contras behind the using of E-Book. So actually, is it the using of E-Book will give more positive or just more negative impacts to us?   
Many people recommend E-Book to become the alternative in reading, because there are some reasons why using e-book instead of real book will help to lighten some problems in reading activity. First, it will make them can read any book wherever and whenever they are, because they can keep hundreds of  e-book files in just one practical device like laptop or e-book reader. The second reason, the using of real books means cost a lot of papers to make printed book. The more papers used, the more trees will be cut in making the papers. To deduct the amount of paper used, the using of e-book will give a lot of help. For example, if a real book consists of 200 pages, then in e-book version it’s just very small amount. They can keep thousands of pages in an e-book device, so it’s give a good impact for the trees and also environment.       

On the other hand, there many people who didn’t agree that e-book just brings the good effect for human. They said that reading e-book instead of real book will diminish the feel or the pleasure in reading. Reading in front of digital device in a long time will be harmful for the eyes and it will affect human’s body. It must be really difficult if they have to read over 400 pages of e-book, and the result are their eyes become red and staying in front of the device like laptop will make them feel dizzy. Also, reading book in e-book version means they must have a device to keep the e-book files we want to read. So, if they didn’t have the device, they can’t read the e-book. It must be difficult for the people who didn’t have a lot of money because they can’t buy the device for e-book. The last reason is feeling of having a real printed form of the book is make the reading process become more enjoyable than just read it from the monitor of a device.

We need further and wise understanding in using e-book. It’s true that using e-book will help diminish the amount of trees cut down for paper, and an electronic device can keep a hundreds of e-books. On the other side, we can’t read all books in e-book form because it must be harmful for our eyes, and staying too long in front of the device to read e-book must be very tiring and give bad impact to human’s body. However, we must be wise and know when we have to use e-book and real book. For reading materials which don’t have too many pages, we can read and use the e-book version of it. While for reading materials which have many pages like academic book or thick novel, we can read the real book version of it. 



It happened on early 2011. There was an accident between two motorcycles on the main road of Kendari Beach. At that time there were a lot of people because it’s on holiday afternoon. I was on that place to hold an event in restaurant at Kendari beach.  But before the event open, I and my friends decided to go to a park near the restaurant.
After that, we walked on the side of the main road to back to the restaurant. Suddenly at the main road, a motorcycle with a middle school student as its driver came from the left with really high speed. At the same time, a motorcycle with a woman and two little girls came from the opposite direction with normal speed. The accident can’t be avoided. The student’s motorcycle crashed into the woman’s motorcycle and both motorcycles fell on the road dragged for some meters. The people there are really shocked to see this incident and crowded at the main road.
The student and his motorcycle dragged for few meters but the student didn’t get any serious injuries and fortunately still conscious and can walk. But unfortunately, the other motorcycle, which indicated as a mother and her two daughters, dragged and they got some injuries on them. The older daughters thrown away from the motorcycle and she collapsed.  The younger daughter separated with the motorcycle not too far and luckily she still safe and can stand. But their mother got a severe injury on her head. The blood flowed from his left head and turned down to her shoulder and made her clothes wet by bloods. But strangely the mother still conscious and sit while she kept shouting her daughter’s names. The people there didn’t believe what they saw, and the mother hugged her younger daughter and people carried the older daughter who still unconscious to her mother. Fortunately, both the daughters didn’t get serious injuries, only small wounds. People there get worried with the mother who got an injury on her head, and told the mother that she and her daughter must be carried to hospital. But strangely the mother kept said that she wanted to go to his family’s house. People were pitied her and thinks that the mother still traumatized and kept said weird things. People carried them and brought them to the side of the road while waiting for the ambulance.
On the other hand, the student with his motorcycle still safe. The student still can walk and stand normally and he got questioned by the traffic policeman. The traffic policeman asked why a middle school student can ran a motorcycle on this large road and why he drove his motorcycle at high speed. The people who saw this kept saying that the student should not do that and his parents must getting called because of this incident. The student bowed his head and didn’t say many things. Finally, the ambulance came and brought the mother and his daughters to the nearest hospital, while the student still got questioned by the traffic policeman, and he must take the responsibility from causing the accident.


Twitter as a Good Social Media

Nowadays, almost every people in world have at least one social media accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Me2day, and others. Twitter is one of social media that have the largest amount of users beside Facebook. Based on TechCrunch on 2012, Twitter users have passed 500 million users. Twitter is a good social media that used by many people in world and it give many benefits to us.
Firstly, Twitter still become an excellent social media that can connects many people in many different countries since March 2006. Everyone can have Twitter account, no matter they are young or old, famous people or just common people. Most of foreign or local artists, or the other public figures use Twitter to keep in touch with their friends and fans, because it can make all fans from different cities gather and the artist can give immediate responses to them. Just by one tweet (a term for short text form in Twitter), we can make more than one people gathered in an online media. 
Next, as an international social media, Twitter included many things from worldwide. It means that Twitter is a good and compatible media to spread news and a lot of information. In spreading news, Twitter is very effective way because when someone writing about something newsworthy in his Twitter account, it will spread at a very fast rate to the whole world. If a something bad happen on a particular location and someone write about it, it will spread to the other parts of world, and so they will know it and can give their help for it. Same goes to if something good happens, the other people will know it and they can also feel and share that happiness.           
Additionally, beside of its great utilities, Twitter can be used easily. We didn’t have to use a very high-technological gadget and fast internet to use Twitter, but we can use a common mobile phone or computers and normal internet connection to connect with Twitter. The using of Twitter isn’t really complicated too so it will make people enjoys to use it. It means that spreading the news and information will get easier by using Twitter.
From all of that, we knew that Twitter is a good social media that have many good benefits in international communication. Using Twitter positively as social media surely will leads to something good. Twitter isn’t just a social media for fun, but it can give more beneficial things if we use it well. So, it is very wise act if we can use Twitter as a good social media that strengthen our relationship with peoples in world.         



            Learning foreign language is very important to us, because it will become our media for communicate with international world. Usually, we learned English as our second language since we were in elementary school till adults. But, in international world, there are other notable foreign languages that used beside English. So, it is very important for us to learn foreign language beside English.
            Learning foreign language beside English, for example like Japanese, Chinese, Korean, France language and others are important because these languages also become our modal to face international world. If we can master one of foreign language beside English, our chance to success in international world will increased. It is because we will understand things about that country, like their culture or the people. If we can understand about a country, we’ll get a high chance to communicate and make a good relationship with them.    
            Besides, if we can success in mastering foreign language beside English, people will see us as an intelligent and clever person. It is because of learning foreign language is really difficult and also needs gradual steps to understand it. So, if a person can understand a foreign language, he is considered as an intelligent person. Our comprehension skill will be increased because of learning foreign language beside English. It is also boost our confidence if we success in mastering a foreign language.
            However, learning foreign language beside English is not an easy thing to do. If we want to master a foreign language, we should work hard for it and didn’t give up in the middle of learning. We can start doing it by choosing a foreign language that we want to learn. We can learn it starting from things that we liked, such as movies, comics, cartoons, etc. Then, we can move to materials that related to academic and global theme. The more we encounter the words from foreign language, the more and faster we can understand it. We must remember, learning foreign language beside English might be very difficult. But if we still keep our spirit in learning, it will give really good impacts for our future.      

            (Orientation) One day, Bernie was invited to his ageing friend’s home for dinner. Michael, the host, preceded every request to his wife by endearing terms, calling her ‘Honey’, ‘My Love’, Darling’, ‘Sweetheart’, etc.
            (Events) Bernie looked at Morris and remarked, “That is really nice, that after all these years that you have been married, you keep calling your wife with those sweet names.” Michael just smiled to hear these comments from his friend.
            (Twist) Then he whispered, “To tell the truth, I forgot her name a few years ago!.”

The Lizard and The Frog
(ORIENTATION) One day, there was lizard who always lived on the land, get friendly with a small but energetic frog, who lived for the most part in the water. Everyday, the played happily and never gets tired each other.
In one sunny day, The Frog tied the foot of the Lizard tightly to his own. Thus joined together, the Frog first of all led his friend the lizard to the meadow where they were searching for food. After this, he gradually led him towards the river in which he lived, until reaching the very edge, he suddenly jumped in, dragging the Lizard with him.
The Frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a good deed. The unhappy lizard was soon suffocated by the water, and his dead body floated about on the surface, tied to the foot of the Frog.
Unfortunately a hwak observed it, and as he seen that dead lizard, he gets hungry and flying swiftly to the unlucky lizard. At the end, The Frog, whose being still fastened to the leg of the lizard, and was also eaten by the Hawk  

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