Fun Facts

Fun Facts for ya !

According to the Happy Planet Index (HPI), Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world. (The U.S. ranks 105th on the list.)
The voice actor of SpongeBob is married to the voice actor of Plankton's computer wife (Karen) in real life.
A koi fish, named "Hanako", was owned by several individuals over many years and lived to be 226 years old, dying in 1977.
"Petrichor" is a term for the way it smells outside after rain.
One in five people in Singapore is a millionaire, making it the city/state with the most millionaires per capita.
The word "set" has 464 definitions, the most of any word in the English language.
If you still feel tired after a good night's sleep, you're probably dehydrated. Drink some water after you wake up.
The male brain is 10% bigger than the female's but the female brain works more efficiently.
The origin of the term 'Wiki' comes from the Hawaiian word wikiwiki which means quick or informal.
Men and women who listen to similar music tend to be better communicators and have longer lasting relationships
Women speak nearly 7,000 words a day - Men average around 2,000.
A can of diet coke will float in water, while a can of regular coke will sink.
Disney's Snow White was 14 years old, and Ariel and Aurora (sleeping beauty) were 16.
Anger stimulates the region of the brain responsible for producing honesty, which is why the truth comes out when someone is angry!
Intelligent people are more creative during the night. They experience high levels of mental stimulation, which makes it hard to sleep.
Women with higher IQs have the hardest time finding a mate. Intelligent women would rather remain single than be with the wrong person!
There’s at least 6 people in the world that look like you, and you have a 15% chance of meeting them in your lifetime.
If you have a socially awkward personality, you tend to be more loyal to your friends and faithful when in a relationship!
Talking to your mom has the same effect as a hug and helps reduce your stress levels!
People who regularly help others are significantly happier and less likely to become depressed as they get older.
Research discovered that a person is more likely to completely ignore others while reading & or sending a text.
A chicken named Mike lived for 18 months after his head was cut off.

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