Sunday, October 6, 2013

example of personal recount text



It happened on last year, when I was in semester II.  At that time I and my friends have heard that there is a haunted house (or ghost house) in Mandonga Mall, which is a new thing for our town. Our friend told us that was very scary, so we decided to go there after we finished our activities in campus. If I’m not mistaken, it was Thursday at around 3 p.m. We already finished our lecturer in campus at that time, so we have a free time. Then, we decided to go to that haunted house. I went there with my friends Tiara, Nunu, Tia, Sri, Tanti, Uji, and Nurul. We went there by public transportation. On the way, we chatted along and not up to 30 minutes we arrived at the front of the mall.
As soon as we arrived, we saw a big poster which said something like “welcome to the scariest ghost house, at the 3rd floor of the mall and so on” and some pictures of scary Indonesian ghosts like pocong, kuntilanak, ghost with no head, and the others. We felt excited to see that and then we passed the main road and came in the mall.
After we came in the mall, we decided to take a walk a little bit before we come to the haunted house. So, we walked together along the mall and we had already reached the 2nd floor, and it’s got nearer to the haunted house. At that 2nd floor, we heard a really loud scream of some girls that came from the 3rd floor. We got surprised as soon as we heard it, and realized that it the haunted house must be literally very scary. One of friend started to feel frightened, and it made us frightened too. But, we still walked step by step to the 3rd floor and we saw a totally different feel of that floor with the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor was very bright and noisy, but the 3rd floor was really dark and there was a loud scary music instrumental played at a really high volume. At that 3rd floor, there were no shops and no seller, it’s only the haunted house there. When we see the front part of the haunted house and the fearful reactions from the visitors after they came into the haunted house, we started to feel really scared and anxious. One of my friends tightly grabbed our hands and she said that she really didn’t want to go in there. We all got really scared there and we almost didn’t go in that haunted house. But after several minutes of thinking, we decided to buy the ticket. The ticket price is Rp.5.000 per person. With one guardian, we finally came in the front part of that haunted house. It was really dark and the light only came from small green lamps around there, which is made the situation more horrifying. We grabbed hands very tight and stuck up together walking timidly and nervously. As we came in, at the left side we saw an old large wagon with a bloody person in it, and at the right side there is bed with a scary-faced woman lied on it. Not long after that, we saw a big ghost trapped in a jail but he wildly scream and make a loud frightening noises. But, near from it there is a ghost called pocong jumped slowly, and we got really surprised because we thinks that he wanted to catch us, but fortunately he didn’t catch us. At that time, we didn’t walk anymore but we ran while grabbing each other’s hand or something that can’t make us separated. I didn’t remember what kind of ghost that appeared, we just ran and ran. But near the end of the exit door, there is ghost woman that we called “suster ngesot” that walk with her hands and dragging her foot toward us. We got a real shock after we saw her, because we didn’t expect that the ghost would come below us. We can’t express how surprised we are, we ran crazily and finally we got an exit door and tiredly came out from that door. We sit down a little bit to relaxing ourselves after running.
After relaxing ourselves, we talked a lot about our experience and told each other how frightened we were. We felt really tired, but we satisfied that we finally can come into that haunted house and faced the real situations in it. Some of my friend planned to invite their family member or friend to go there again. Finally, we went out from the mall and go back to our homes. It was a good and thrilling experience for me and my friends, and I felt happy that we can experienced that kind of experience.

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